Over 23K in sales in less than 3 hours!

How School of PMU generated leads, increased sales, and grew their business with online webinars.


Shareen Adair

Our Roles

Webinar Event
Strategy, Consulting,
and Marketing

Webinar Event Funnel
Page Development

Webinar Event
Reminders And

Webinar Event
Strategy, Consulting,
and Marketing

Webinar Event Funnel
Page Development

Webinar Event
Reminders And

Webinar Event
presentation deck

Project Manage Webinar
Event / Host Webinar Event

Webinar Event
presentation deck

Project Manage Webinar
Event / Host Webinar Event

The Challenge

School of PMU offers classes in both California and Texas, teaching students everything from the basics of PMU to more advanced techniques. PMU is a rapidly growing industry, and Founder, Shareen, wanted to reach more potential students on a larger level.

This is why we recommended hosting online webinars. This would allow Shareen to share her knowledge and information with people all over the world. We knew a webinar would be an excellent way for her to share her expertise to a wider audience.

The Solution

With the goal to bring in more leads, sales, and exposure around the world for SMPU, we created a webinar journey that included strategizing on how best they could present.

We then took care of hosting all their online events while also providing support throughout so Shareen could focus fully during these presentations which led her towards an incredible result: generating over 23k dollars worth within just three hours’ worth of webinars!


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